Friday 8 March 2013

I am ugly and no one likes me (what handsome stood for)!

"people are all the same.. nanananana~"

ah remember that song back in 2007-ish ? it is "Ugly" sung by UK-trio, sugababes. I amnot gonna talk about the song, but this song fits perfectly with the topic that i will discuss in this post. so better listen to the song while reading this :)

In this post i will talk about LOOKS aka penampilan in indonesian. This post is inspired by a friend of mine's story and thought.

One night in early march, I was talking with a bunch of friends, all my male friends. We talked about a lot of things, from work, vacation, and rain. But then suddenly, a friend of mine was looking himself in front of the mirror. 

He was gussy-ing up himself, then he asked all of us : "guys.. am i ugly ? cause no one likes me"
we all laughed, then 'toyor', threw a box of cigar and coke plastic bottle to his head. But he sticked as statue, and we stopped. 
Wow he was talking serious..
We then stopped our 'basketball game', then positioned our seat and ears to hear what he wanna talk about. 
there he went ...

"i am thinking a lot. why no one like me. I do hve 'gebetan', we are close but then she find another guy which is more appealing than i am. what do i wrong guys ? let me know" he said in deep and his bass voice.

Well, let me introduce you to his first, his name is [CENCORED], just called him Guy-AA. He is 24 years old. He went to management college things but he already graduated. He now work in an airline as a steward. His height is average, 170-ish perhaps, and he is slim-to-medium size. He has a lot of tiny pimples in his both cheeks.

"what's wrong with you? do you get jetlag or something", a friend namely Guy-BB said

"nope. i am just asking. now be honest with me", Guy-AA replied. then I was talking my opinion 

"well,, you are a steward. as we all know that steward has a numerous requirement that every male should pass on, and you passed, eventhought you are in last batch *gigles* " .."but you are good. maybe you currently cannot find your own style in fashion yet, or stuff that makes you looks wow. i called it wow-factor. but you will. just relax, and be who you are" I continued.

He then smiled a bit, then looked to my other friend, name Guy-CC. He was a former model, ever played in two-or-four FTVs series, and also his steward-mate.

"oh please.. should i talk about it now ?" Guy-CC yelled.

"YESSS" we all shouted

"Ah Okay. Guy-AA please you are handsome. Because you are naturally handsome, while many others are not naturally handsome, say I am not!" Guy-CC continued his talk.

"You are not gyming, you are not meeting beauty medical doctor, and you are not rich enough since you are not flying yet. so be grateful" Guy-CC yelled again.

"I was born naturally handsome.. but i did gyming since i was in college, i did meeting my cute beauty medical doctor, and i did having a lot of money so i can buy zara or any men-highclass things to make me look good. Now am i handsome ? YES I AM. Cause I work for my handsome-ness. so you ? you dont work for your handsome-ness yet. if you work for it, then a lot of ladies will queue to get your love, even boys will eager to have you also, then i will be your staff to eliminate them.. *gigles* " Guy-CC talked in just one breath.

"you see. if you already worked it for your handsome-ness then girls still dont approach and reject you, nah... that's when you can yourself ugly" Guy-CC then clapped his hands as he finished his speech.

After that, Guy-AA smiled widely, as his question was answered amazingly by him and planned to work his handsome-ness soon as he got money.

well, what a conversation we had that night. Guys talked about handsome. epic! I was surprised with my friend (Guy-CC)'s opinion about what-handsome-is for him. From what he talked, I can conclude that he think handsome is made by the person himself, not only pure from God.

Nah what about handsome in talkingintrovert opinion ? haa hard question. I feel ridiculous to answer this but okay. Handsome for me can be divided into 2 type : naturally handsome, and occasionally handsome.
- Naturally handsome is a male who was born with truly beauty. He has an eye-catchy looks so people -boys or girls- love to stare him in a long time.
- Ocassionally handsome is a male who was born with average beauty but he can manage himself well to look good, and eye-catchy.

Nah what about a female think about handsome ? I do ask 2 female friend of mine. Their opinions about what-handsome-is are :
FemaleAAA : "ganteng itu menarik, seductive by mukanya doang, eye catching.. "

(handsome is attractive, seductive in his face only, and eye catching)
FemaleBBB : "ganteng itu sebuah ungkapapan untuk mengekpresikan betapa indahnya (wajah/body) seseorang atau mungkin sesuatu. Simpelnya sih enak buat di pandang. Bisa langsung nyangkut ke mata. ganteng itu ada 3 tipe:
1. ganteng sesaat: diliat sekali ganteng, lama2 biasa aja
2. ganteng yang dibuat-buat: ga ganteng2 amat, tapi di bungkus secara baik dan benar jadi ngebuat dia terlihat ganteng
3. ganteng sesungguhnya: ini ganteng yang apa adanya, mu pake apapun, d liat kapan pun dalam keadaan apapun tetap enak di pandang :D"
(Handsome is a word to express how beautiful a person's (face/body) is. Simply it is eye-catchy.
Handsome can be divided into 3 type :
1. temporary handsome : handsome in one look, next look is just so-so.
2. makeover-ly handsome : not so handsome, but he is packed well so he looks handsome.
3. truly handsome : this is purely handsome. any things he wear on, in any circumtances, he looks handsome :D)

well, what-handsome-is or what-handsome-stood-for is really tricky question. People have their own opinion what handsome people looks like. A person may say that a man with big muscle, sporty is handsome, other person think a man who can dance and sing on stage is handsome, or other person say that a moustache, bear, big is handsome. Here, we can see how handsome is defined differently depend on person.

I remember a person or an idiom *forgot* say that "human is born naturally beauty. so we have to struggle to keep it beauty or even make it more". Based on that words, for you or anyone who think they are ugly, please dont. we are all made in very good shape and look. so be grateful. Ah still thinking ugly ? hmm my advice is you should find something in yourself which you think better than the others things then do something to make it shine and stood out. example say i hve a good teeth, what i do to make it shone is going to dentist and make it whiter, and smile a lot.  As I said before : just relax, be who you are. be yourself. Sometimes being confident may show your handsome-ness and sparks. People will notice and will like you also. Have a try.

Remember what sugababes said : people are all the same. and we only get judge of what we do. personality reflects name. and if i am ugly then so are you. so are you.

Now a very very important question ? am i handsome ? HAHAHAHA i dont know. i dont go to gym yet, i dont meet doctor yet, but i did struggling for keeping my handsome-ness. hahaha so ? am i handsome ? please tell me ..

gracias muchas. arigatou.

talking introvert

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